Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Goal For The Year

After reading about one person's goal of doing one new thing every day for a year, I resolved at the beginning of 2009 to do something new with my two kids every day for a year. This occurred to me on January 3, 2009, and thus is the reason why I missed the first two days of the new year, although I made up for it by doing three new things on January 3, 2009.

This blog will help ensure that I stay committed to my goal. It is too easy to make a promise and then back out of it if no one knows about it. In this way, this blog is my accountability blog because by publicizing my efforts, I will feel a greater commitment to keep my promise.

But regardless of the blog, I already feel a commitment to my promise because I believe children should be exposed to new things on a continual basis. Childhood is when a person is geared to learn, to receive information, to grow, to mature, and to thrive. All this is best accomplished, I believe, when a child is exposed to new people, new ideas, and new environments. So let the journey begin.

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